We have heard you! For years our students and alumni asked us when we were going to have supplies available for purchase directly from Taxidermy Tech. We had always manufactured certain products that were used in our own commercial work but entering the supply market was never part of the plan. Unfortunately, the current state of the supply industry combined with post-COVID economic conditions left a gap that needed to be filled. We can not fill the gap for the entire taxidermy industry or cover every possible need but in focusing our efforts on the needs of our Taxidermy Tech network, students, alumni and team members, we can make a difference. It’s the little things that make big things happen!
Starting July 1, 2022, we will offer a growing line of materials and supplies exclusively to the Taxidermy Tech Network. Your inclusion ensures that you are eligible for our discount pricing and specials that we will run periodically. You don’t have to do anything! If you are a student, alumni or a team member which includes our trusted vendors, you are already a part of the Taxidermy Tech Network! Our first priority is building out our birds products, reference materials and initial supply kits for incoming students. It will take a while as we work on licensing agreements, production and inventory but we will have products available as early as June. We are ahead of schedule on our July goal of producing the first 12 waterfowl heads and before the end of September 2022 we will have completed the second phase of 23 artificial heads (both waterfowl and upland birds). By the end of December 2022, we will have the first phase of 6 bird forms available in addition to a line of consumable supplies and tools. We are currently working on whitetail reference kits with tools to help you interpret what you are seeing in the reference photos and in the three dimensional reference. We hope to complete this before the end of the year but have not set a production date due to an aggressive training schedule for the year. We will announce new products and they come available on our Facebook page and here on the website. You can order on the website through a shopping cart function that will be available soon …or… you can call in your order to 844-945-3278… or purchase at our location in Pensacola. Thank you for being a part of our Team!

Reference Tools
We currently have the following artificial waterfowl heads (25) available…
Blue Bill
Green Wing Teal
Blue Wing Teal
Cinnamon Teal
Black Belly Whistling Duck
Northern Shoveler
Wood Duck Drake
Wood Duck Drake Open Mouth
Wood Duck Hen
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser Open Mouth
Common Eider
Snow Goose Medium
Snow Goose Large
Speckled Belly Medium
Speckled Belly Large
Ross’s Goose
Ducks/ Small Geese
$9.50 unpainted
$14.50 painted (except black billed species)*
Geese /Snow, SB, Canada
$10.50 unpainted
$15.50 painted (except black billed species)*
*All black billed species (teal, canvasback, goldeneye, shoveler, merganser, Canada goose,etc) are poured pre-colored.
$10.50 - $12.50
Shipping by UPS Ground or USPS Flat Rate. Heads usually ship within 1 business day.
More waterfowl and upland heads coming soon